
कुंडली में महादशा व अंतरदशा क्या होती है | विंशोतंरी महादशा

महादशा शब्द का अर्थ है वह विशेष समय जिसमें कोई ग्रह अपनी प्रबलतम अवस्था में होता है और कुंडली में अपनी स्थिति के अनुसार शुभ-अशुभ फल देता है। कुंडली में अंतर व प्रत्यंतर दशा को 9 ग्रहों के अनुसार बांटा गया है। 9 ग्रहों को आगे 12 राशियों में विभाजित किया गया है। जिन ग्रहों के पास एक-एक राशि का  स्वामित्व है वे हैं सूर्य व चन्द्र । इनके अतिरिक्त अन्य ग्रहों के पास दो-दो राशियों का स्वामित्व है। सारी गणना भारतीय ज्योतिष के अनुसार ही होती है जिसमें वैदिक गणित का मुख्य रोल है। विंशोतंरी महादशा के अनुसार व्यक्ति की आयु 120 वर्ष तक मानी गई है। इन 120 वर्षों में आदमी के जीवन में सभी ग्रहों की महादशा पूर्ण हो जाती हैं। ज्योतिषशास्त्र में परिणाम की प्राप्ति होने का समय जानने के लिए जिन विधियों का प्रयोग किया जाता है उनमें से एक विधि है विंशोत्तरी दशा। विंशोत्तरी दशा का जनक महर्षि पाराशर को माना जाता है। पराशर मुनि द्वारा बनाई गयी विंशोत्तरी विधि चन्द्र नक्षत्र पर आधारित है। इस विधि से की गई भविष्यवाणी कामोवेश सटीक मानी जाती है, इसलिए ज्योतिषशास्त्री वर्षों से इस विधि पर भरोसा करके फलक...

Rahu- Shani conjuction in 12th house of horoscope

Rahu- Shani conjuction in 12th house of horoscope The 12th house of the horoscope is also called the house of business, expenditure and salvation. If Rahu and Ketu are with Saturn in this house, the effect of the good planets of the native is reduced. It is believed that due to the addition of Saturn and Rahu in the 12th house, the person becomes the sum of the phantom curse( pret shrap) . Due to such yoga, many kinds of problems arise in the life of the native. The native cannot get along with luck. The native travels abroad but still could not succeed. Saturn and Rahu in any horoscope are often considered troublesome for the native. Mostly due to this yoga, problems remain for 40 years. After this, the situation gradually starts to return to normal. If Yoga of Shani-Rahu or Shani Ketu is in the horoscope, a Brahmin should get it remedied. The combination of Shani-Rahu or Shani-Ketu spoils the fruit of the associated sentiment. Also, a person also has to face difficulties i...

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know about Revati nakshtra | Revati nakshtra

know about Revati nakshtra  If you are born in Revati Nakshtra then You are kind, soft,  sweet-talking, tactful and independent-minded. You do not like to interrupt the work of others without talking, nor do you want anyone to interfere in your work. Sometimes when you try to shake you from your principles, sometimes your temper gets angry. By the way, you are very principled. You are heartfelt and honest. You cannot keep anything secret for a long time. You don't believe anyone blindly, but once you believe in someone, then you play a firm friendship with him. Whatever happens, it is your habit to behave according to your conscience. Your nature is very religious and that is why sometimes you may also become very superstitious. You have a keen interest in ancient cultures and history. You also have a deep penetration in astronomy and astrology.  The native of the Revati Nakshatra is pure-hearted, soft-spoken and sincere in his dealings. you know the right thing to...

How to get Rahu blessings in Hindi?, What are Rahu and Ketu planets

What are Rahu and Ketu planets In astrology, the 9 planets are  the most  role. Today  we'll  mention  Rahu and Ketu in these planets. These two planets are called shadow planets because these  aren't  solid  just like the  remainder of  the planets,  they're  a bit like  air. These two planets  also are  called sinful (papi) planets. These two planets  haven't any  existence of their own,  that's  why  they begin  giving their effect  consistent with  the earth  with which they sit. Such yogas  also are  formed  once they  give auspicious effects  within the  horoscope. When his Mahadasha  goes  on  within the  horoscope of the native, the person is troubled. Appropriate measures  need to  be taken to pacify their Mahadasha. The effect is auspicious. If the position of both these planets  within the...