How to get pregnant fast and easy

How to get pregnant fast and easy

pandit ji, i am Anita (not real name) i am from canada. i want to share a problem with you regarding my pregnancy. i was mrried four years past. we both husband and wife are trying but their is no use. i could no get conceived. i am very much depressed. our medical reports are normal. pls help me.
second case hi pandit ji i am rahul. my sperms are dead but i want to get a child. i took many medicines but there is no use. i want your help.
third case pandi ji when i try to have sex with wife i ejaculate very fast . i cannot even penetrate in vigaina. such cases are in thousand all are trying to get child.

here we will give you some tips
To really boost your chances of getting pregnant fast, think about your lifestyle.
Reducing the amount of alcohol you drink or stopping altogether. Alcoholic drinks can affect not just your fertility, but your partner’s too.
Reducing your caffeine intake, as this can also slow down conception. Switch to herbal teas for the time being.
Take a folic acid supplement (400 micrograms a day until 12 weeks pregnant), or a prenatal vitamin that includes folic acid, which is essential for healthy foetal development.
Most of the time, a healthy couple having frequent, unprotected sex, will become pregnant within a year. Technically, you only have a 1 in 5 chance of conceiving every month, so luck plays a big part in how long the process will take, even if you're monitoring your ovulation cycle closely. If you're over 35 and aren't pregnant after 6 months of trying, it might be worth visiting your doctor and looking into fertility treatment options.
Women are only fertile for a few days each month, so knowing you are having sex at the right time will definitely improve your chances.
Don't use lube, as though it might be more comfortable, some lubricants are not sperm-friendly and could cause the sperm to die before reaching the egg.
Don't do anything to actively raise your body temperature after sex.
several studies on overweight or obese men have shown that sperm count increased when they lost weight. Your weight can not only play a role in how quickly you become pregnant because it can affect the frequency of ovulation, it can also affect your health during pregnancy.
Diet isn’t only important for health, it can impact your fertility, too. Making sure you include certain healthy foods in your diet will ensure your body isn’t deficient in any of the key baby-making nutrients and vitamins. Take a look at fertility superfoods for lots more ideas. there’s no harm in making these sex positions your new favourite.
these are some tips. with the help of astrology and ayurveda you can get easily pregnant. so you need not yo worry it takes some time. God is great. bhrigu pandit ji is always ready to help you.

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