Amit Shah Horoscope Predictions | horoscope of Amit Shah

Amit Shah Horoscope Predictions | horoscope of Amit Shah
राजनीति में धुरंधर, पक्के राष्ट्रवादी, लक्ष्य के पक्के, अपनी धुन में रहने वाले, विरोधियों के लिए काल, राजनीतिक सूझबूझ से काम करने वाले को अमित शाह के नाम से जाना जाता है। नामराशि मेष है, इनके दिमाग में क्या चल रहा है किसी को कुछ नहीं पता चलता। बड़े से बड़ा राज इनके दिमाग में कैद हो जाता है किसी को जाहिर नहीं होता। बचपन से किसी भी राज को इन्होंने हमेशा राज ही रखा है। इनके विरोधी भी जानते हैं कि अमित शाह जो कहते हैं वह करके दिखाते हैं। Amit Shah Horoscope Predictions | horoscope of Amit Shahसंघ के छोटे से कार्यकर्ता से अपना जीवन संघर्ष शुरु करने वाले अमित जी के पास हर प्रश्न का उत्तर है। एक बात जो मन में ठान ली उसे पूरा करने के लिए समय का इंतजार करना और फिर समय आने पर ऐसी रणनीति की बिसात बिछाना कि विरोधी चारो खाने चित्त हो जाता है। इन्हें भारतीय राजनीति का चाणक्य कहा जाए जो अतिशियोक्ति नहीं होगी। अपना देश, अपनी पार्टी की विचारधार ही सबसे ऊपर है अमित जी के लिए। मानवीय संवेदनाओं से भरे लेकिन अपराधियों के लिए काल हैं अमित जी। किस्मत के धनी देश गृहमंत्री के तौर पर अपने लिए फैसलों के कारण अमित शाह जी हमेशा याद रखे जाएंगे। आइए इनकी कुंडली का संक्षिप्त विवेचन करते हैं। Amit Shah Horoscope Predictions | horoscope of Amit Shah
Name: Amit Shah
Date of Birth: Thursday, October 22, 1964
Time of Birth: 05:25:00
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5
Nature Of Amit Shah
The ruler of the Virgo Lagna is Mercury who is a lover of change, therefore the person will also like change. he will keep changing his house, work, work-place etc. Amit shah is intelligent and logical, has the ability to analyze the truth, careful and alert in his work. To ensure the accuracy of the task, he will verify it two to three times. Amit shah will expect others to speak less while he himself will give detailed explanations about everything, no matter how disinterested others might be. Amit Shah will be faultfinding, that is to say, he will be an expert in finding defects in others' work. He will complete his work in a systematic and organized manner.
Time of Birth: 05:25:00
Place of Birth: Mumbai
Longitude: 72 E 50
Latitude: 18 N 58
Time Zone: 5.5
Nature Of Amit Shah
The ruler of the Virgo Lagna is Mercury who is a lover of change, therefore the person will also like change. he will keep changing his house, work, work-place etc. Amit shah is intelligent and logical, has the ability to analyze the truth, careful and alert in his work. To ensure the accuracy of the task, he will verify it two to three times. Amit shah will expect others to speak less while he himself will give detailed explanations about everything, no matter how disinterested others might be. Amit Shah will be faultfinding, that is to say, he will be an expert in finding defects in others' work. He will complete his work in a systematic and organized manner.
Good looking with Big round eyes
The person will be good looking with round eyes, have a lively pinkish complexion, weak physique and black mole or wound on the body, and have fat thighs. He will have fair pink colour, sign of lotus on hands, shakti line on palm, be endowed with fortune signs, ambitious, efficient at work, possessing leadership qualities and will be a frugal eater, will eat hot food, and may be aggressive. He will be fond of travelling, will be lively, a fast walker, benevolent, courageous, fearful of disputes and arguments, engrossed in good deeds, respectful to brahmins, devoted to god and will be engrossed in religious activities and accumulation of wealth.
person born under Aries rashi-
A person born under Aries rashi will have a mediocre height, will move around energetically and the eyes will have a sharp and aggressive look. The knee and its lower part will be weak. The person will not tolerate anybody's subordination and will always take the lead in his work and take independent decisions. He will be strong willed, endowed with qualities of leadership, will be enterprising and ambitious. He will be hasty by nature and will lack patience. He will always be keen to give advise and will always make efforts to impress anyone who may come in contact with him. He will be lively and energetic and firm in his belief.
Born in the first pada of Bharani nakshatra
You have been born in the first pada of Bharani nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi is Aries and the lord of the rashi is Mars.
A person born in the Bharani nakshatra is truthful, inclined towards high thinking, true to his word, determined, healthy, clever and happy. A person born under the Bharani nakshatra is brave, encouraging, romantic, strong, accustomed to staying among people of low status, victorious over enemies and opponents, skilled at making sudden attacks, inclined towards religious deeds, interested in painting and photography, an excessive smoker, fond of food and drinks, successful in attaining his ultimate goal, generally free of ailments & obstacles, clever, pleasant natured and ambitious for progress.Interpretations for Pada (paya) Birth in the Bharani nakshatra is considered to be in the golden paya which gives mediocre fruits.
About Health -The authority of the Bharani nakshatra is over the head and the circle of the head. When this nakshatra is afflicted by gochar or inauspicious grahas in the horoscope, then there is a fear of mental or internal diseases and fear of injury on the head and forehead.
Born under Gaja (Elephant) Yoni
A person born under Gaja (Elephant) Yoni is the kings favorite, strong, pleasure loving, enthusiastic and an asset for his country.Marriage, Friendship and Partnership The association of persons born in the following is considered to be the best – Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Swati, Uttarashadha and Shravana.
Sun in the Second Bhava
Sun in the house of wealth signifies some position in the government. One is liberal and charitable. The person will win over enemies with one's behaviour and good relationship. One's speech is sweet and logical. Sun in the second house means one is wealthy and fortunate. One will be the owner of valuable metals like gold, silver and copper.
One will be interested in eating the best of food, wearing the best of clothes and will take special care in keeping the clothes clean. Sun in the house of wealth is favorable for doctors and lawyers. he will be great pocily maker and high positioned politicion
Inauspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth makes a person short tempered, talkative, stingy and arrogant. Because of one's proud nature, one is unable to do any auspicious work of a permanent nature. One lacks humility and is arrogant, boastful and proud. Enlightenment is related to the eyes, hence Sun in the second house denotes eye ailments and a weak vision. Due to one's spouse, there may be some conflict in the family. Failure in efforts persist.Family members expire before the person's eyes.
Mars in 11th Bhava
One will be skilled at talking, is truthful, soft spoken, cultured and determined. One will be humorous by nature. One is scholarly and knowledgeable. will be devoted to God and brahmins. The strength of self-restraint is great. will be happy and wealthy. get benefit through one's own talents. pretends to be poor so that no one can tell tales about one's wealth and thieves do not come to know about it. Children cause pain and the son may bring suffering. The younger child might be harmed.
person born under Aries rashi-
A person born under Aries rashi will have a mediocre height, will move around energetically and the eyes will have a sharp and aggressive look. The knee and its lower part will be weak. The person will not tolerate anybody's subordination and will always take the lead in his work and take independent decisions. He will be strong willed, endowed with qualities of leadership, will be enterprising and ambitious. He will be hasty by nature and will lack patience. He will always be keen to give advise and will always make efforts to impress anyone who may come in contact with him. He will be lively and energetic and firm in his belief.
Born in the first pada of Bharani nakshatra
You have been born in the first pada of Bharani nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi is Aries and the lord of the rashi is Mars.
A person born in the Bharani nakshatra is truthful, inclined towards high thinking, true to his word, determined, healthy, clever and happy. A person born under the Bharani nakshatra is brave, encouraging, romantic, strong, accustomed to staying among people of low status, victorious over enemies and opponents, skilled at making sudden attacks, inclined towards religious deeds, interested in painting and photography, an excessive smoker, fond of food and drinks, successful in attaining his ultimate goal, generally free of ailments & obstacles, clever, pleasant natured and ambitious for progress.Interpretations for Pada (paya) Birth in the Bharani nakshatra is considered to be in the golden paya which gives mediocre fruits.
About Health -The authority of the Bharani nakshatra is over the head and the circle of the head. When this nakshatra is afflicted by gochar or inauspicious grahas in the horoscope, then there is a fear of mental or internal diseases and fear of injury on the head and forehead.
Born under Gaja (Elephant) Yoni
A person born under Gaja (Elephant) Yoni is the kings favorite, strong, pleasure loving, enthusiastic and an asset for his country.Marriage, Friendship and Partnership The association of persons born in the following is considered to be the best – Ashwini, Ardra, Punarvasu, Swati, Uttarashadha and Shravana.
Sun in the Second Bhava
Sun in the house of wealth signifies some position in the government. One is liberal and charitable. The person will win over enemies with one's behaviour and good relationship. One's speech is sweet and logical. Sun in the second house means one is wealthy and fortunate. One will be the owner of valuable metals like gold, silver and copper.
One will be interested in eating the best of food, wearing the best of clothes and will take special care in keeping the clothes clean. Sun in the house of wealth is favorable for doctors and lawyers. he will be great pocily maker and high positioned politicion
Inauspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth makes a person short tempered, talkative, stingy and arrogant. Because of one's proud nature, one is unable to do any auspicious work of a permanent nature. One lacks humility and is arrogant, boastful and proud. Enlightenment is related to the eyes, hence Sun in the second house denotes eye ailments and a weak vision. Due to one's spouse, there may be some conflict in the family. Failure in efforts persist.Family members expire before the person's eyes.
Mars in 11th Bhava
One will be skilled at talking, is truthful, soft spoken, cultured and determined. One will be humorous by nature. One is scholarly and knowledgeable. will be devoted to God and brahmins. The strength of self-restraint is great. will be happy and wealthy. get benefit through one's own talents. pretends to be poor so that no one can tell tales about one's wealth and thieves do not come to know about it. Children cause pain and the son may bring suffering. The younger child might be harmed.
Transit of Rahu in the 1st house from Natal Moon (17 Mar 2022 to 29 Nov 2023 ) During this period, Rahu will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly denotes several negative effects in your life. This position of Rahu signifies loss of financial resources or wastage of money on unnecessary expenditure. You may have to be extra careful to avoid trouble from enemies. Moreover, you are also likely to be humiliated and some unseen problems might crop up in your field of activity. Be careful of an ill-willed person and avoid suspicious activities like indulging in black magic etc. Health would require your constant attention. You may even develop some unknown ailment, which might take more than usual time to recover. The health of your parents would also require attention during this period. The physical suffering is likely to cause much worry for you mentally. You may feel worried constantly and may suffer from deep mental misery. You may even become nervous, mentally troubled and restless during this particular phase.
Transit of Ketu in the 7th house from Natal Moon (17 Mar 2022 to 29 Nov 2023) During this period, Ketu will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This mostly brings in personal sufferings for you. Your health may require utmost care, as you are likely to suffer from many diseases primarily related to the stomach. You may also feel lacklustre and fatigued. Mentally also you may feel sick and agonised. Keep an eye on your expenses, as you are likely to spend your money on useless heads. Avoid borrowing at any cost. If you are into agricultural production, keep an eye on your products, as there could be a theft of the same. However, some of you suddenly encounter progress in trade and your financial condition. Maintain proper code of conduct and avoid getting involved in any argument with your spouse. Any fight with your spouse may make your spouse leave you during this time. Establish a cordial relationship with your relatives who may become your enemies if not attended to correctly. Avoid all kinds of disputes and litigations during this time. You would also need to hold on to your reputation as it could be hampered and you may be defamed in the society. Travel is also on the cards.
Transit of Saturn in the 11th house from Natal Moon (29 Apr 2022 to 12 Jul 2022 ) Saturn in the eleventh house from your Moon sign brings in good times. Financially this is a very good time for you. You are likely to make unexpected profit during this period of time from whatever business or profession you are in. This financial boon will bring happiness and many opportunities for further gain. You are also likely to acquire significant property during this time. Endeavours of any kind will succeed and give the desired results. Those in businesses relating to building materials, coal, leather etc. may look forward to even greater profits. If employed, you are very likely to be promoted to a position of higher authority. This is also an auspicious time to pursue higher study. You are likely to be more aggressive in your approach to your activity. Socially, you find contentment. Your respect, status and honour in the society are likely to be elevated. Some of you may be honoured with a prestigious or unique award. For those wishing it, marriage is on the cards at this time. If single, you will experience pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Your friends will be helpful towards you and you are likely to make new ones as well. Your employees and helpers will be positive in their behaviour towards you. Your spouse and children will be a source of happiness. You will also acquire objects that your family desires. Health will be fine.
Transit of Saturn in the 10th house from Natal Moon (12 Jul 2022 to 17 Jan 2023 ) Saturn in the tenth house of your Zodiac signifies suffering and mental distress. You may face difficulties related to work and other aspects of your life. Traders and businessmen may suffer losses. If you deal in agriculture, take extra care to avoid any losses at this time. Some of you are likely to consider a change of profession or field of work. If you find a new job, you may find it difficult to carry out. A mutual feeling of aversion may crop up between you and your employer. Beware of hidden enemies. Your expenditure is likely to be higher than your income, which may cause poverty for you. However, you should avoid taking loans. Health needs attention. Take proper care of your knees and chest at this time. Your parents might fall sick with possible life-threatening illnesses. At home you may develop some mental friction and animosity with your spouse. Travel is also on the cards. Some of you may feel an urge to indulge in sinful activities. Maintain your respect and honour in the society.
Transit of Saturn in the 11th house from Natal Moon (17 Jan 2023 to 29 Mar 2025) Saturn in the eleventh house from your Moon sign brings in good times. Financially this is a very good time for you. You are likely to make unexpected profit during this period of time from whatever business or profession you are in. This financial boon will bring happiness and many opportunities for further gain. You are also likely to acquire significant property during this time. Endeavours of any kind will succeed and give the desired results. Those in businesses relating to building materials, coal, leather etc. may look forward to even greater profits. If employed, you are very likely to be promoted to a position of higher authority. This is also an auspicious time to pursue higher study. You are likely to be more aggressive in your approach to your activity. Socially, you find contentment. Your respect, status and honour in the society are likely to be elevated. Some of you may be honoured with a prestigious or unique award. For those wishing it, marriage is on the cards at this time. If single, you will experience pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Your friends will be helpful towards you and you are likely to make new ones as well. Your employees and helpers will be positive in their behaviour towards you. Your spouse and children will be a source of happiness. You will also acquire objects that your family desires. Health will be fine.
Transit of Ketu in the 6th house from Natal Moon (29 Nov 2023 to 30 May 2025 ) During this period, Ketu will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This denotes good times for you. If you are into business, you are likely to progress in the same and you may also consider improving the same. Those who are involved in agriculture and cattle rearing may expect considerable profit in their respective field of work. Financially you would be sound. You may also gain from lending money to others. Moreover, you would also be able to influence the people from whom you may also expect profit. You are also likely to defeat your opponents and gain over them. However, your health may need your focused attention during this time. Attend to any physical complaint immediately as you are likely to develop diseases of chronic nature. At home, you may enjoy great times entertaining and being pampered. Some auspicious event like a marriage may commence at your residence or you may even go on family picnics. You would be at peace with yourself and your surroundings during this time.
Transit of Rahu in the 12th house from Natal Moon (29 Nov 2023 to 30 May 2025 ) During this period, Rahu will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes trouble for you. There could be loss in business and in your professional field. Your projects and endeavours may not bring in the desired result. You may even face difficulty in completing your previous tasks on time. You would need to hold on to your courage and confidence as these may also be shaken due to these hurdles at work. Take note of all your expenses and practice stinginess, as you are likely to embrace indebtedness. You may even lose your landed property during this phase. The possibility of a change in your residence cannot be denied during this phase. Avoid any kind of litigations to avoid defamation and humiliation in the society. Maintain a good rapport with your near and dear ones as they may also oppose you when you least expect it. Yours and your spouse's health could be a matter of concern during this time. You are likely to develop some peculiar ailments, which would require proper diagnosis. Take care of your limbs and your mental health. You are also susceptible to develop insomnia during this particular time.
Transit of Saturn in the 12th house from Natal Moon (29 Mar 2025 to 23 Feb 2028) Saturn in the twelfth house signifies a lack of money or a decline on the financial front. At this time you are susceptible to unnecessary expenses and financial waste. If you are involved in agriculture or agricultural products, you should be extra careful to avoid losses of any kind. Enemies may also cause you to suffer financial losses. Stock up on food and resources as you may need to pass through a hard time. Health requires attention. Do not neglect any bodily complaint as it might turn out to be life threatening. The health of spouse and your children will require much attention, as they are also susceptible to serious ailments. Your feet and eyes require more care than usual. Work will require your attention. Take care to maintain your respect at work. Some of you may find it difficult to keep up your good name and position in the work place. You may have to make changes in your profession or business. Travel is on the cards. Most of you are likely to travel to a foreign land and may have to stay away from your family. However, any kind of journey may prove to be a costly affair. You need to maintain peace at home as you are likely to get involved in family arguments. Some of you are likely to develop feelings of deep anguish, lacklustre and may lose enthusiasm for life. This is the time to be extra careful while making serious decisions. Most of you are likely to over rule your intellect at this time. Do not do anything that might affect your reputation.
Transit of Ketu in the 5th house from Natal Moon (30 May 2025 to 25 Nov 2026) During this period, Ketu will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This brings in significant ups and downs into your life. There could be, on one hand, unusual gain of money and excessive expenditure on the other. You may find it hard to stop unnecessary expenses especially if it is a period of the waning moon. These expenditures could be because of your children's mental agony. However, some of you may also expect sudden gain of money during this time. Avoid taking any loan at this time. During the time of the waxing moon, you may have to go through a rough phase worrying about the health of your children. Do not neglect any physical complaint of your child, as it could also become life risking one. Death of a family member or relative may also happen during this time. Avoid being caught in tricky situations with your relatives. Maintain a cordial relationship with your family and relatives, as there is a chance of them becoming your enemies. Keep your spirits high as due to unsuccessful or suspended endeavours, you are likely to suffer from deep mental anguish during this particular phase.
Transit of Rahu in the 11th house from Natal Moon (30 May 2025 to 25 Nov 2026) During this period, Rahu will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This brings in good times for you. This period could be regarded as particularly favourable for matters related to your finances. You may expect the inflow of money, some of which could be sudden, from several sources including foreign travel, sea voyage and business relating to the waterways. You may even acquire some landed property and buy some jewellery during this particular time. Domestic life would be good. You are likely to enjoy exotic dishes at home. Your ailing spouse would recover from diseases and would be glowing with health. If you have children of marriageable age, you may plan their marriage with suitable person during this time. Ailing children, if any, would travel the road of fast recovery during this period. This could be regarded as a socially good time as well, as you would be able to command more respect and honour in the society. Your interest in religious and spiritual field would increase and you may also get providential help from these disciplines.
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