horoscope predictions of Aishwarya Rai | Aishwarya Rai ki kundly

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horoscope predictions of Aishwarya Rai | Aishwarya Rai ki kundly

ऐश्वर्या राय HOROSCOPE PREDICTION, जानिए क्या कहती है ऐश्वर्या राय ki कुंडली
ऐश्वर्या राय बच्चन  का जन्म 1 नवम्बर 1973 को सुबह 7 बजकर 20 मिनट में मंगलौर में हुआ था। इनकी अनुमान कुंडली के अनुसार इनकी राशि धनु व राशि स्वामी गुरु है। जब यह पैदा हुईं तो उस समय पूर्वा अषाढ़ा नक्षत्र था इसका स्वामी शुक्र है और योग धृति बन रहा था। योनी वानर होने व वर्ण क्षत्रिय होने के कारण बचपन से ही बहुत ही चंचल व आत्म सम्मान के लिए किसी से भी भिड़ जाने वाली हैं।
 लगन में तुला व सूर्य, बुध दूसरे तथा सहज भाग में शुक्र, चंद्र व राहु की युति है। सप्तम भाग में मंगल होने के कारण मांगलिक दोष भी है। स्वाभाव से बहुत ही भावुक पर इनमें अपनी भावनाओं पर काबू पाने की अद्भुद शक्ति होती है। जीवन के कई राज अपने मरने तक किसी को नहीं बताती। दुख और पीड़ा से निकलते हुए सफलता की हर मंजिल पर पहुंचने की कला इनमें हैं। horoscope predictions of Aishwarya Rai | Aishwarya Rai ki kundly
पारिवारिक सामंजस्य बनाने की हर तरह की कोशिश ये करती हैं।
Mangalik- मंगल सप्तम भाग में होने के कारण पति की तरफ से इनको लाभ कम ही मिलता है। इनको अपना करियर शादी के बाद भी अपने आप फिर से खड़ा करना पड़ता है। पीठ में दर्द, टांगों में अकडऩ से इन्हें परेशानी होती है जो उपचार करने पर भी कोई लाभ नहीं देती। नजर कमजोर होती है। जातक के अकसर एक ही बच्चा होता है और दूसरा बच्चा पैदा करने के लिए बहुत ही कोशिश करनी पड़ती।
चौथे घर में अकेला गुरू इनको हर हाल में धनवान बना रहा है। लगन में सूर्य प्रसिद्ध व सुंदरता को चार चांद लगाता है। दूसरे घर में जो धन का है उसमें शुक्र,चंद्र व राहु की युति इनको बहुत ही खर्चीली बनाता है। ये मंहगी वस्तुओं पर बहुत ज्यादा धन खर्च करती हैं। जिसगति से धन आता  है उसी गति से भी यह धन व्यय करती हैं। 30-4-2022 तक शनि की सढ़ेसाती भी चल रही है जो मानसिक परेशानी का कारण बनेगा, कई गलत निर्णय आपको  कठिनाई में डाल सकते हैं। 22-1-2005 से इमकी राहू महादशा चल रही है जो 22-1-2023 तक रहेगी।

अभी अंतर शुक्र की दशा चल रही है जो इनको सीक्रेट अफेयर की तरफ आकर्षित करवाएगी। इसलिए इनको 2019 तक सावधान रहने की जरूरत है। नजदीकी रिश्तेदार का बीमार होना,दूर चले जाना, ननद आदि से मनमुटाव मानसिक परेशानी को बढ़ाएगा। इस दौरान आप नए सौदे भी करेंगी नए घर में जा सकती हैं। 2023 में गुरु महादशा शुरु होगी इसके लिए पहले से तैयारी करनी पड़ेगी। 

योगिनी महादशा में संकटा के कारण समय 18-9-2020 तक एहतिहात रखने वाला है।

 Nature And Temprament-
 She is an appreciator of beauty, will be attracted towards natural beauty, beautiful pictures and beautiful males. She is artistically inclined and will be desirous of living in peaceful and beautiful surrounding. She has a balanced mind and will consider the advantages and disadvantages of all things and arrive at the truth.

Fond of justice and will maintain- equality in justice. She will give more importance to morality than truth. She may need to change her behaviour, she should keep her emotions in check, she should not appoint someone of the opposite sex as her private secretary, she should forgive but not forget, she should not spend much on cosmetics, she should try to take quick decisions.     

 Jupiter is the Lord of Sagittarius rashi- and the persons born under this sign will have a longish face, long neck, firm teeth, ears, fat arms, beautiful nails, strong bones and will be strong and energetic. They will be religious minded, will believe in worshipping god and goddesses, will be intelligent, fortunate, pious, industrious, artistic, poetic, charitable, will inherit paternal wealth, will be friendly, will have excellent brothers, will be grateful, judicious, peace loving, will be influenced by love and not force, will be engrossed in the collection of things, will be self confident, calm natured, firm in friendship, having a philosophical view point, having few sons, will be soft spoken and truthful, frank, skilled at oratory, having a good sense of humor and satire, interested in living near water. ishwarya Rai will love to work According to principles, will accumulate wealth secretively and firm in their intentions, careful, frugal and unextravagant. 

  She will be tall of height, will have strong bones, gravitational force in the body, squarish or longish face, balanced nose, round chin, wide forehead, bushy eyebrows and attractive teeth. She will be determined and ambitious and will be interested in knowledgeable subjects like philosophy, science, law and literature, arts, idealism and principles life.

She will be logically minded and very inquisitive. She will be freedom loving, self-confident, ambitious and self-respected, outspoken, trustworthy, judicious and unostentatious. She will be an atheist, she will be religious, moral, liberal, honest, sympathetic and sensitive. She will be interested in astrology and will have the amazing power to examine and understand the future. She will possess new thoughts but will not be so attracted to them at the cost of severing all connections with old traditions.

Born in the third pada of Purvashadha nakshatra-

  You have been born in the third pada of Purvashadha nakshatra. Therefore, your birth rashi is Sagittarius and the lord of the rashi is Jupiter. According to the Avakahada chakra -    
  • Caste      -    Kshatriya (warrior), Vashaya  -    Manava (Human) / Chatushpada (quadruped) 
  • Yoni        -    Vanara (Monkey)              
  • Gana – Manushya (Human being)             
  • Nadi – Madhya (Middle)Your birth name should start with the letter "Pha".According to the Shastras     

Interpretations for persons born under Purvashadha nakshatra are as follows -

A woman born in the Purvashadha nakshatra may be sincere to her duty, religious, courteous, truthful and soft spoken. She may be very interested in charity and pious deeds. Politeness may be her special characteristic. She may be friendly, practical and sincere to her work. She may have an early marriage but her husband might be much younger in age than her. 
  She will be blessed with a husband, wealth, sons, ornaments and prosperity. The husband and wife may be mutually loving, inspite of occasional verbal arguments. In order to let her family life and domestic bliss continue smoothly, she may overlook the shortcomings of her husband and with great intelligence make her husband compatible to her. She may not succeed in court matters and enemies and claimants might be excessive in number.

 Modern view point-
    A person born in the Purvashadha nakshatra may be polite, honest, loving, judicious, sympathetic, balanced, optimistic, tolerant, too liberal, extravagant, collector of very modern things, possessing a wide viewpoint and an intelligent brain. She may be educated, endowed with close friends, fond of art and drama and recipient of respect and honor from others. She may love solitude, possess a weak body, be passionate and maintain relations with many men. She may be gripped by many worries but be efficient.She attains success very soon.

Interpretations for Pada (paya)-  Birth in the Purvashadha nakshatra is said to be in the copper paya which is considered to be excellent.
Health- Purvashadha nakshatra controls the thighs, the lower part of the spinal cord, the arteries and the blood circulation. Therefore, these parts are afflicted when inauspicious grahas influence.
   A person born in the Kshatriya caste may be a scholar, brave, logical, pious, fond of stories of bravery, charitable and prudent.horoscope predictions of Aishwarya Rai | Aishwarya Rai ki kundly

Interpretations for the Manushya Gana-   A person born in the Manushya Gana may be egoistic, wealthy, possessing large eyes, skilled at shooting, having a fair complexion and keeping the people under her domination.

  A person born in the Vanara (Monkey) yoni is egoistic, greedy about wealth, quarrelsome, sensuous, endowed with sons, brave and consumer of sweets.Marriage, Friendship and Partnership     For a person born in the Purvashadha nakshatra, persons born in the following are ideal – Ardra, Punarvasu, Uttrabhadrapaad, Hasta, Swati, Purvabhadrapaad and Revati nakshatra.

The Sun In First Bhawa
 Generally, Sun in the first house signifies progress and good fortune. she has a tall height, pleasant eyes, a pronounced nose and a wide forehead. The person will be strong and healthy with a tendency of having gastric problems. she may suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach. she will be egoistic, confident, determined and may think on the higher level. she will be liberal at heart, may discard low quality work, be hard and judicious. she may suffer from gastric problems and may have a weak physique. The person may be ailing in childhood. One may have some problems with one's eyes which will remain dry.

Sun in the lagna brings ailments. Eye problems, headaches, gastric problems, blood infection, frequent urination and premature ejaculation may occur. One may travel abroad and lose money in business there. One's financial fortunes will fluctuate and one will at times be comfortable with money and at times face a shortage of money. The person may have a few children. Due to some extra-terrestrial influences, one may not have a son or a grandson. One may be weak and spoilt by the opposite sex.
The moon in the third Bhava

  The person is pleasant natured, meditative, an atheist, soft-spoken, loving and suffering from cough ailments. she will be happy among brothers, progressive through one's valor and pleased with one's dear ones. she will earn money through one's valor which keeps on increasing. The native will be happy with one's friends and relatives. One will be religiously inclined. One will be respected in the world. she will be a leader in one's family. One will have many brothers and sisters, probably two brothers and three sisters and all of them would be healthy.

 In one's 28th year one may have to migrate, fame and name is on the rise and good deeds are done. One enjoys worldly happiness. Inauspicious Results : Sisters are a source of happiness, whilw brothers are not so. One may have an odd nature, may be a tell tale and will have odd types of interests.

Mars in 7th Bhawa

  She will be intelligent. she will have a house and household. One's spouse will be good but quarrelsome and will keep the husband in her domination.  she may suffer due to the loss of spouse and son.  One's spouse will be disrespectful to him. One's spouse may not be young. There may be a fear of fire. One may suffer stomach ailments. Blood may be infected and there may be blood-related

   Transit of Rahu in the 5th house from Natal Moon (17 Mar 2022 to 29 Nov 2023)  During this period, Rahu will move through your fifth house from the Moon. This signifies grief, especially due to matters related to your children. Financially this may not be regarded as a good time for you. Hold tight to your finances, as it is likely to be spent on unnecessary purchases. Health of your parents and spouse may become a cause of concern, as they are susceptible to developing diseases. 
Matters related to your children may worry you more during this particular phase which is termed as the period of Putra Dosha meaning sorrow related to your son. Attend to any health problem of your children that may come up during this time. Some of you may even find your children going astray or developing some serious ailments. 
Mentally you may suffer from increased agony and confusion. Your decision-making skill may go haywire making you get carried away to make the wrong decision.  However, some of you may experience some unusual ups and downs where you may even get unexpected financially gain.
Transit of Ketu in the 11th house from Natal Moon (17 Mar 2022 to 29 Nov 2023)  During this period, Ketu will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This   generally signifies attainment of wealth and acquisition of landed property. This is also a good time to accomplish your ambitions. You are likely to start some new project that would require a big investment promising you the same or more profit in return. There could also be certain sudden gain of money for most of you. At home, your children of marriageable age may find their perfect match and decide on marriage. 

Take care of your small child, as he or she may suffer from physical ailments or bodily pain during this time. During the time when the moon grows in size, some of you may have the opportunity to meet some spiritual guru. This acquaintance may encourage you to meditate and be more spiritual in nature. This period may also bring you good fortune and exotic dairy food. However, if this position of Ketu happens to fall during the waning period of moon, you are likely to develop a feeling of lack lustre and sickness in your mind. This period may also see you developing interest in agriculture. Your enmity with your own family may arise and you may also incur loss in business during this period.
Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (29 Apr 2022  to 12 Jul 2022 )  Saturn's journey through the third house is auspicious, especially relating to work and finances. You are likely to make money in more than one way. Success comes from new undertakings or enterprises.  This is particularly good time to profit from activities relating to poultry farming or agriculture. You may also consider buying land or fixed property during this time. If you are unemployed, you may hear opportunity knocking at your door or get some lucrative job offers. Those employed may get a promotion, increase in authority, or a pay rise.  Attention is given to your intelligence, ability and effort and you are likely to climb up the social ladder. 

There is a good chance of getting assistance with your work. You will succeed in any kind of discussions and be able to put your point across much more easily than before. You will feel a spring in your footstep denoting good health and vitality of spirit. Any previous ailments will vanish, bringing you comfort and happiness. Home life too will be nourishing and full of conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be doting and more loving than ever. Your siblings and children will treat you well and be very helpful. Your enemies will be defeated and good luck and fortune will bless you during this time. For some, travel may also be on the cards. 

Transit of Saturn in the 2nd house from Natal Moon (12 Jul 2022 to 17 Jan 2023)  Saturn in the second house from your Moon sign generally denotes a difficult time. Objectives may be hard to achieve or may not produce the desired results. Proceed cautiously at work, as this may not be a favourable time for you. Financially, this is not a good period. Limit your expenses as much as possible. Income may come from several sources, but you may find it hard to hang on to. Avoid disputes relating to property owned by your parents as this may cause unhappiness or damage to your pride. 

 During this time, you may get involved in unnecessary quarrels and may create new enemies, sometimes within your own family.  Be careful of harming others and beware of criminal tendencies.  Avoid troubling your spouse with trivial issues. Take care of your children as they might also be at risk. Protect your health as you may lose your vitality and feel lacklustre and weak. Even a little hard work may tire you. Pay attention your appearance as this may also suffer. Travel to a foreign land is possible during this time or you may move around without purpose.  

Transit of Saturn in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (17 Jan 2023 to 29 Mar 2025)  Saturn's journey through the third house is auspicious, especially relating to work and finances. You are likely to make money in more than one way. Success comes from new undertakings or enterprises.  This is particularly good time to profit from activities relating to poultry farming or agriculture. You may also consider buying land or fixed property during this time. If you are unemployed, you may hear opportunity knocking at your door or get some lucrative job offers. Those employed may get a promotion, increase in authority, or a pay rise.  

Attention is given to your intelligence, ability and effort and you are likely to climb up the social ladder. There is a good chance of getting assistance with your work. You will succeed in any kind of discussions and be able to put your point across much more easily than before. You will feel a spring in your footstep denoting good health and vitality of spirit. Any previous ailments will vanish, bringing you comfort and happiness. Home life too will be nourishing and full of conjugal bliss. Your spouse will be doting and more loving than ever. Your siblings and children will treat you well and be very helpful. Your enemies will be defeated and good luck and fortune will bless you during this time. For some, travel may also be on the cards. 

Transit of Ketu in the 10th house from Natal Moon (29 Nov 2023 to 30 May 2025 )  During this period, Ketu will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This  brings in mixed results which also depends on the waxing and waning of the moon.  During the waxing moon period, your income may rise with the help of some otherwise depraved people. You may also expect to progress in your field of work and gain further monetary gain during this time. However, during the waning moon period, most of you may face loss of money as well as material riches due to some wrong company. You are also likely to suffer from mental agony, which could also be due to loss in trade or lack of progress in your field of work. 

Generally, this position of Ketu signifies an increase in your enemy and health problem of your parents. There could also be some function at your place of residence during this period. You are also likely to establish a good rapport with some important influential people through whom you are likely to be benefited. Some of you may also experience sudden rise in profit in your field of work. You may also look forward to a rise in position in your profession, which would bring in more responsibility as well as respect to you. 

Transit of Rahu in the 4th house from Natal Moon (29 Nov 2023 to 30 May 2025)  During this period, Rahu will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This  would see you going through a troubled time. You will have to be extra careful in matters related to your landed property as this journey of Rahu denotes loss of the same. You may also have to change your place of residence at this time. It would be a good idea to avoid any kind of property related litigation during this phase. Your health may require some extra care, as you are susceptible to developing diseases during this time. Take good care of your spouse and children's health as well. 

Mentally you may remain worried and unenthusiastic about everything around. Your mother's health could also become a matter of concern for you, as she is likely to develop bodily pain and mental unrest. Moreover, you may also have to mourn over the loss of a relative or friend. You may have to consciously put effort to keep negative thinking at bay, as you are likely to develop an urge to do unlawful deeds during this particular time. Avoid travelling during this time. Travel of any kind may lead to an accident where you may lose your vehicle or your valuables. At home, you would have to make that extra effort to keep the atmosphere conducive for peaceful living.  Beware of your enemies during this time, as they are likely to add some more trouble in your life. However, some of you may even expect some reconciliation with your foes.  

Transit of Saturn in the 4th house from Natal Moon (29 Mar 2025 to 23 Feb 2028)  Saturn in the fourth house from your Moon sign brings an uneasy time. Apart from other aspects of life, your finances will require careful handling during this transit. Avoid wasting money. You may develop a lack of enthusiasm when it comes to your work or profession. You may even start disliking your job and may face the wrath of your boss or a higher authority. Some of you are likely to be transferred to another place of work during this period. Socially this may not be a good time for you. Make efforts to maintain popularity in your social circle. 

Avoid any activity that might cause you humiliation. Health matters require your focused attention. Some of you are likely to develop lethargy, stomach discomfort, flatulence and other minor ailments. You may also experience anguish, fear, mental confusion and anxiety during this time. Some of you may have bad thoughts or feel the urge to do sinful deeds. Avoid getting into any arguments with your enemies. You may be separated from your friends and supporters. At home, take care of your wife and children, as they may be susceptible to disease or other life threatening situations. There may be a death in the family. Avoid getting involved in any kind of unpleasant situation with your relatives and near and dear ones. This period may see you creating enemies within your immediate family or with relatives. Beware of hidden enemies during this time. On the other hand, some of you may expect childbirth in your family. 

Transit of Ketu in the 9th house from Natal Moon (30 May 2025 to 25 Nov 2026 )  During this period, Ketu will move through your ninth house from the Moon. This   signifies, apart from other effects, few minor physical complications and development of mental qualms. Your finances would require careful handling, as most of you are likely to invest your hard earned money in lottery and other speculations. Hold tight to your finances, as you may have to embrace poverty during this particular phase. Most of you are also likely to get involved in some illicit activities, which is unacceptable in your religion. Avoid any kind of arguments with your siblings. Handle your friends and acquaintances carefully to avoid being forsaken by them. You may have to travel to a foreign land or to some mountainous regions during this particular time. During the waning moon period, some of you may experience loss due to enemies or rivals in your trade. 

Transit of Rahu in the 3rd house from Natal Moon (30 May 2025 to 25 Nov 2026)  During this period, Rahu will move through your third house from the Moon. This   brings along considerable good times along. Financially this period is expected to be very good. You may expect to gain money from various known and unknown sources and you may even get financial benefits from your enemies. If employed you may expect a raise in your salary and those who are involved in trade may also expect added profit during this particular time. Progress at work could also be expected. Your projects, even the ones that were postponed for some reasons, would be completed successfully. 

You may also expect cooperation from your colleagues and seniors at work. Your efficiency at work and in your field of learning would be noticed as well. Health should remain fine and you would face any problem with much courage and vitality.  Socially also, this could be regarded as a good time. You may even expect a raise in your social status and in your fame in the society. 

Comfort would define your life at home. You are most likely to enjoy a soothing atmosphere at home. This time could also prove to be great as it also brings in opportunities to satisfy your taste buds. You would indulge in exotic culinary delights at home as well as outside. You would also get the cooperation of your siblings in accomplishing your work. If you ever wished for sensual pleasure with people of the opposite sex, you are most likely to get the same as well. If married, you may also expect fast recovery of your ailing spouse or children. 

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Tags- aishwarya rai, aishwarya rai horoscope, horoscope predictions of Aishwarya Rai, Aishwarya Rai ki kundly, AishwaryaRaiki kundly hini, AishwaryaRaihoroscopeprediction


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